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?? Moss - Taxiphyllum sp.


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This is an unknown moss I acquired during a trip to China. Originally I thought that it was just the common Java Moss. The fronds of the moss looks 'thicker' and there were more 'branches' on the fronds. I thought maybe it was due to the different water condition that the moss had been growing as compared to my Java Moss.

However, I was rather surprise that when Dr Benito Tan took a look at the moss sample, he corrected me that this moss was not Java Moss. It also belongs to the genus Taxiphyllum, but it's not the same species as Taxiphyllum barbieri - the Java Moss. The exact species name for this moss could not be determined as the actual type location where this moss was collected was not known and the moss does not produce any sporophyte.


Top view of the moss

Below are the close-up pictures of the unknown moss. The moss produce more pinnate leaves and branches.


On it's own, one might mistaken it for Java Moss. But if you grow it side by side with Java Moss in the same tank, and then compare their fronds, the differences are apparent. On the left is the new unknown moss, and on the right is the Java Moss.

New unknown moss on left, Java Moss on right.

Microscope pictures of the new unknown moss.





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